Quiz: Can You Name These Car Companies Based On Their Logo?
By • Last UpdatedWhose logo is this?

Mercedes-Benz's three-pointed star was first used in 1909 and was meant to symbolize transportation on air, water, and land.
Whose logo is this?

The Chevrolet company's co-founder William C. Durant designed their logo over 100 years ago back in 1913. It is known as the "bowtie" emblem.
Whose logo is this?

The Ram brand of trucks was spun off from Dodge to become a separate division in 2010. The logo used to be used by Dodge as a whole, but now they use a nameplate with two slashes.
Whose logo is this?

BMW's logo, known as the "roundel" logo, includes the blue and white from the flag of BMW's home German state of Bavaria.
Whose logo is this?

The red Suzuki S can be seen on a wide array of products the company produces, from cars and trucks to ATVs and marine engines.
Whose logo is this?

The three diamonds in Mitsubishi's logo have roots deep in the 19th Century and resemble the emblem of founder Iwasaki Yataro's family crest.
Whose logo is this?

The Cadillac crest is based on the family crest of the company's namesake, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac.
Whose logo is this?

The silver L of Lexus hasn't been around long - the company was spun off from Toyota in 1989.
Whose logo is this?

Daewoo Motors featured a number of logos, including this most recent design, up until its demise in 1999.