Most Fortified Buildings in The World
By • Last UpdatedChapel Saint-Michel d’Egil, France
In the quaint French town of Le Puy-en-Velay stands the renowned Chapel of Saint-Michel d’Egil. This famous attraction is notable for its unique location atop a hill that rises 100 meters high. To reach the chapel, visitors must ascend a lengthy staircase comprising 268 steps. Fearless travelers who tackle the steep climb are rewarded with breathtaking views of the charming town and its picturesque surroundings.

Construction of the chapel commenced in 962 under the direction of the Bishop of Puy, who aimed to commemorate the return of the St. Michael’s pilgrimage. The original structure was a modest chapel with three apses, but by the 12th century, the complex had been significantly expanded to include two additional chapels and a bell tower, as well as an outpatient clinic.
The hill upon which the chapel is built is also an important archaeological site. Excavations have revealed that a Roman sanctuary once stood at its summit, where ancient Romans sacrificed to the god Mercury. The chapel holds many secrets that continue to intrigue even the most seasoned researchers. In the mid-20th century, scientists conducting routine studies uncovered a hiding place for sacred Christian relics, which are now displayed for visitors to admire in the main chapel.